Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Weeks 6 and 7

Some weeks there is just not enough time to add anything extra.  The great part about CC Foundations is that if you are memorizing your CC work, and doing your math and English that is enough!

This is our second time to go through Cycle 1.  The first time through we were brand new to CC and still getting a feel for homeschooling, and what we were suppose to be doing.  It is a whole new world the second time through.  The kids are considering working toward memory masters (memorizing all 7 subject for all 24 weeks).

How we are preparing for Memory Masters:
(We stole all of these ideas from other smart mommies!)

*We are listening to all of the weeks already.  I found all of the audio I wanted on CC Connected and made my playlist by subject for all 24 weeks.  We will listen to 24 weeks of one of the subjects each day.  My kids favorite songs are the geography songs.

*Each of my kids has a note card box for review cards.  My third grader has to copy the review cards and make her own, my second grader is using the premade cards.  Cards they need to work on go in the front of a divider and cards that are mastered go behind it.

*We are tracing our maps a lot!  I love the CC geography trivium tables.  It's well worth your $10!  You can trace on them with dry erase markers and they are easy to put in your backpack on the go.  We also tape tracing paper over the maps for review.

I'm sure there are more wonderful ways to study for memory masters, but this is what we have come up with so far and I am pleased with it.

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