Monday, September 28, 2015

Fall Music Together Week 3

It's always a joy to get to make music with the children and parents in my classes.  Last week and this week we sang a song called Can You Do This?  The song is in Lydian which might make it sound a little different To you.  If you want to play around with the Lydian mode at home you can play from F to F on a piano or keyboard using all white keys.

In one class I had the chance to point out how kids feel the rhythm in their whole bodies, and we can help them match the beat of the song by showing the beat in our whole body as well.  adults often stop feeling and expressing music in their whole body.  If you watch a toddler they feel the music from their head to their toes.  Sometimes the trick is just figuring out how they are experiencing the music and how to help them learn the best for the stage of life they are in.

Last week we sang Apples and Cheries with Ice Cream flavored.  Each part of the room got one flavor to sing over and over again.  If you haven't tried this along with the CD yet you should.  Pick one flavor (one phrase) and see if you can stay on that part during the whole song.  We are building up to singing the song in a round.

This week we moved to Los Fandangos.  There is a clapping part that goes along with the song.  Listen for it on your CD and look for it in the songbook.

This collection also has a lot of call and response songs.  Use these to your advantage during the week.  They can be fun in the car.  Songs like Can You Do This are great for directing you kids to do things.  I can wash my hands, you can wash your hands, I can dry them off, you can dry them off.  I can hold your hand, you can hold my hand, I can keep you safe, you can keep me safe.

The only song from outside the Fiddle collection was the play along.  It was This Little Light of Mine by the Chris Barber Jazz Band.   Here is the link to get it.

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