Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Learning 9/8 Time Signature Isn't So Hard To Do

For those of you who are registered to start the spring session of Music Together in Fort Mill (Starting Thursday, March 25 at 9:30, there's still time to register!) we will be doing a piece in the Tambourine Collection that goes:

12   34  56  789
Hip hip hip hippity
12   34   56   789
Hap hap hap happity
12    34   56  789
Hop hop hop hoppity
123       146       789
Hippity, happity, hoppity, clap, clap.

It is in 9/8 time signature which means it's a rhythm that most of our ears are not used to hearing. While this all may seem difficult to us adults, children don't know that. If you want to get a head start and hear what the rhythm sounds like listen to Dave Brubeck's Blue Rondo Al A Turk. Whether you are in the Music Together class or not this is a great song to listen to.

Blue Rondo à la Turk

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of all my my Music Together families for giving this little chant their best shot today! It will get easier to say and before you know it you'll hear your little ones getting it too.
