Friday, February 11, 2011

Journey Montessori, February 10

I have so much fun teaching your children each week!  We listened to the Tortoises from the Carnival of the Animals this week.  We talked about how slowly they were dancing and used large, slow stretching movements to go along with this music.  The children are getting more accurate with identifying instruments and what families they belong in each week!  Listen to the Tortoises at home this week and see if your child can identify the animal the music is about and what instruments they hear!  Parents can you hear a slow version of the "Can Can" being played?  If you want to hear the fast/regular "Can Can" go to the May 22, 2010 posting and click the YouTube link there for it, then come back and listen for the slow version the turtles do here!

We also had a wonderful time dancing to the "Russian Sailors Dance."  The children changed the way they were dancing and moving each time the music changed.  We had to move with big and small, loud and soft, fast and slow, and high and low movements.  Try this out at home with your child.  If you don't know how to move to the music just follow what they do, kids are smart!  You can listen to the "Russian Sailors Dance" by clicking on the YouTube link under the January 27, 2011 post.

Your children are creating fantastic rhythm patterns each week.  I am always amazed at their creativity and willingness to share!

If you have the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" at home, ask you child to sing it to you.  We sang the book to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."

Music Together February 10

I had a great time time playing so many different instruments in class this week!  The songs we used that were not from the sticks collection were:

Dance with Scarves
Doop Do De Doop by: Blossom Dearie

Our parachute song was the ABC song off of a CD called Jazz for Kids.

Parents you sang a fantastic ostinato (repeated part) for Black Socks!

The play along song was called Hop The Fence.  
I am working on putting all of those songs on here so you can listen to them at home.  If you liked them you can click the links here to buy the mp3.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Journey Montessori, February 3

Today at the Montessori School we continued listening for what instrument was playing in selections from the Carnival of the Animals.  The children identified the bass and violin in the string family, the piano in the percussion family (because the hammers inside the piano strike the strings), and the flute in the woodwind family.  We listened to the Hen's and Roosters and Lions from last week and they identified the instruments and animals by listening.  To listen to those pieces at home check out last weeks post below.

We also started working on short and long rhythms today, and reviewed soft and loud, (although the kids think we were just having fun!) We pretended to be asleep, get hungry for a cookie, and sneak to get one without getting caught!  Somehow we always seem to get caught when the loud "surprise" comes!  We play this game with the first part of Haydn's Surprise Symphony.  Listen to at least the first 31 seconds of the piece below. 
"Haydn's music contains many jokes, and the "Surprise" Symphony includes probably the most famous of all: a sudden fortissimo chord at the end of an otherwise piano opening theme in the variation-form second movement. The music then returns to its original quiet dynamic, as if nothing had happened, and the ensuing variations do not repeat the joke."  (  The surprise comes at 0:31 in the link below!  Some say this symphony is called the Surprise symphony because Haydn added the sudden surprise to wake up the concert goers who had fallen asleep while listening!

Music Together February 3

Unfortunatly I don't have many YouTube links this week but if you liked the polka version of "The Ten Little Indians" that used for our play along today you can get it very cheep with the link below.
Ten Little Indian's is a fun song and it can help with counting and fine motor skills!  For older children have them show you how many with their fingers while you sing this song and practice counting forward and backward.  Before you count with the song you can practice this fine motor skill together counting slowly.  When you count back down you can blast off!  10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF.  For those of you interested in having your child start Suzuki violin or piano this is a great beginning for that!  Fine motor skills also help with handwriting later on.

I had so much fun jumping and strutting around for our dance today but unfortunately I don't have any kind of link to share for that song.  I had a hard time finding it myself.  If you really liked it let me know and I'll get you  a copy.

For those of you with children age 3 and older who are interested in Suzuki lessons I highly recommend the following.
1.  Do the above fine motor skill work.
2.  Watch to see if your child is able to keep the beat when drumming, marching, etc.
3.  Listen to see is your child is able to sing full songs in tune.
If you are seriously considering Suzuki violin or piano go ahead and get the Suzuki violin or piano book 1 with CD and start listening to it now!  The Suzuki method is by ear and that is why it is so wonderful for young children.  It is never too early for your child to start listening to the songs they will be performing one day.  I can tell you from experience the more you sing the songs the easier they will be able to play one day.  Here are some links for recommended Suzuki books and camps!

 Community School of the Arts Charlotte
Suzuki Violin Camp 1: Discovering Suzuki - Beginning and Pre-Twinkle Students

Open to both currently enrolled Pre-Twinkle students and children with no prior experience. Pre-Twinkle
students will attend classes designed to expand their fundamental skills, while newcomers will enjoy a fun
introduction to the world of violin playing. Additional activities include music and movement lessons, listening
games, and arts and crafts.  Come discover the joy of making music as a community!
July 11-July 15
Covenant Presbyterian Church    
Ages 4.5 to 7
Price: $180
Camp Director: Laurel Talley
Click here to register.