Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Journey Montessori May 11

I can hardly believe there are only two music classes left this school year.  I have had so much fun teaching your children and I am amazed at all they can do!  We have continued to identify instruments and what instrument family they belong in.  The children are all doing a wonderful job of telling me the name of each instrument and whether they belong in the brass, woodwind, string or percussion family, as well as why they belong in that family.  If you want to play around with instruments and musical concepts with your child(ren) at home I encourage you to go play at sfskids.com.  It is the San Fransisco Symphony's kids website.
They are also able to quickly identify musical contrasts, verbally or with movement, such as loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low.

A great summer music activity is Jump Start Music.  Your child can work on melodies, rhythm patterns, and instrument recognition at home on the computer.

We have been working on clapping the syllables of our first names in class for the past month.  In this class we added the icons and note values that go with our clapping.  We looked at a half note, quarter notes, and eighth notes.  Ask your child to clap their name and see if you can match it with one of the rhythms below. (The rhythms should appear as follows 1. one half note, 2. two quarter notes, 3. eighth note, quarter note, eighth note, and 4. eighth note, eighth note, dotted eighth note, sixteenth note.)

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