Monday, April 25, 2011

Music Together Dance and Play Along

We worked on a simple start to doing some musical improvisation in our last class.  

Musical Improvisation is the creative activity of immediate ("in the moment") musical composition.  

We improvised with several songs by simply having you or your child come up with a movement or animal to change the verse.  In "Jumpin' Josie" you changed the song by changing the movement.  For "Hop Ol' Squirrel" the song was changed by selecting something different from the picture.  Improvising for "Train to the City" was a little more involved because you had to tell me how you were traveling and where you were going.  

These are great activities to try at home.  Change your favorite song to help out with your child's bedtime routine, or getting out the door in the morning.  If you (the adult) improvise with songs then your child will learn to too.  It is just fine for the adults in class to come up with ideas for songs too!

Here is a link to Dan Zanes "All Around The Kitchen" so you can enjoy it at home!
(Click the title above for the full version or the video below for a shorter version.)

Our Play Along song was "Old McDonald" sung by Ella Fitzgerald.  It came from the CD Jazz For Kids.  The whole CD is great and highly recommended.

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