Today at the Montessori School we continued listening for what instrument was playing in selections from the Carnival of the Animals. The children identified the bass and violin in the string family, the piano in the percussion family (because the hammers inside the piano strike the strings), and the flute in the woodwind family. We listened to the Hen's and Roosters and Lions from last week and they identified the instruments and animals by listening. To listen to those pieces at home check out last weeks post below.
We also started working on short and long rhythms today, and reviewed soft and loud, (although the kids think we were just having fun!) We pretended to be asleep, get hungry for a cookie, and sneak to get one without getting caught! Somehow we always seem to get caught when the loud "surprise" comes! We play this game with the first part of Haydn's Surprise Symphony. Listen to at least the first 31 seconds of the piece below.
"Haydn's music contains many jokes, and the "Surprise" Symphony includes probably the most famous of all: a sudden fortissimo chord at the end of an otherwise piano opening theme in the variation-form second movement. The music then returns to its original quiet dynamic, as if nothing had happened, and the ensuing variations do not repeat the joke." ( The surprise comes at 0:31 in the link below! Some say this symphony is called the Surprise symphony because Haydn added the sudden surprise to wake up the concert goers who had fallen asleep while listening!
Cady loves the visits from Ms. Amy to Journey Montessori! It seems our home is always filled with her voice singing the songs she learns at school. Thank you for teaching our child an appreciation for music, Ms. Amy!