"The Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States. The lyrics come from "Defence of Fort M'Henry",[1] a poem written in 1814 by the 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships of the Royal Navy in the Chesapeake Bay during the Battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812.
The poem was set to the tune of a popular British song written by John Stafford Smith for the Anacreontic Society, a men's social club in London.
If you want some more information about the National Anthem here is a video giving some history.
This week in class we are singing parts to Ding-a-Ding and adding an ostinato to Hotaru Koi. If you want to work on part singing with Ding-a-Ding on your own play the CD, begin singing with it, keep singing that first part through the whole song. When this gets easy pick one of the other parts and sing it the whole time you listen to the song. There are a lot of repeated parts to try!
Here are our dance songs from last week and this week.